Dog training in Newcastle

Walking and training services at Gentle Steps

All training walks and visits at Gentle Steps are one-on-one. You will find details of our standard walks and visits on our Walking Services page.

Pre-Training Assessment Visit

Because many of the dogs we work with have complex needs, our Meet-and-Greet visit is a pre-care assessment during which you can fully inform us of your requirements.

This is essential for our training clients, as it allows us to discuss your dog’s behaviour surrounding their walks and how they respond to meeting new people.

We will also discuss what equipment you use, what triggers your dog’s behaviour, what you are currently doing to help your dog, and which training service best fits your needs.

The visit will take about an hour and include administrative details. We work from a database (Pet Sitter Plus) where your information is held securely and is only visible to you, Alison, and your trainer~walker(s).

We will discuss access to your home, and you may want to consider using a key safe or having a set of keys available.

Your pre-care assessment is charged at a flat rate of £15.00, however, 50% of this (£7.50) is deducted from your first invoice if you go on to use our services (almost everyone does).

Dog training at Gentle Steps
I might be a tad distracted!


If you are considering our weekday training walk service, it may help to know that we are happy to accept clients with irregular work patterns, those with school holidays off, and those who want variable days each week.

We ask that you submit your walk requests by 18.00 hrs on Tuesday of the preceding week. This allows for scheduling and gives the Team time to plan their week. However, we will try to accommodate late bookings and can usually cover them. Our walkers do get busy, so the more notice, the better.


dog training in Newcastle
I’m watching you… what next?

Gentle Training Visits and Walks

These are one-to-one supportive and personalised home visits and dog walks designed to meet your dog’s needs.

We practice kindness, empathy, and patience in all our dealings with your dog, and our aim is a calm, enjoyable experience that will leave your dog relaxed and ready to settle.

Training services cater to each dog’s unique needs and requirements, and the visit format will vary. This will be discussed at our Meet and Greet pre-assessment session.

Because these visits and walks are bespoke, they look different depending on your dog’s needs. Most include calming activities, focus training, an element of challenge and confidence-building, sensory enrichment, and teaching ‘tools’ to use on the walks.

Any training must begin at home and in the garden or yard before attempting to use it on a walk. Anxious and reactive dogs find it difficult to learn when faced with their triggers, so skills must be well-practised in a safe environment.

We are also happy to work patiently with any dog who struggles with new people. We’ve had success with many dogs who fear unknown people, even some who took several weeks to be ready to leave the home with us.

Other possible requests include giving food, medication, garden time, and play – or finishing off with a 5-minute wind-down cuddle time.

Single dog:

  • 60 min – £18.50
  • 45 min – £15.50
  • 30 min – £12.50


Gentle Enrichment Visits and Walk Replacements

These are one-to-one supportive and personalised home visits designed to meet your dog’s needs when you do not want them to be taken for a walk.

We practice kindness, empathy, and patience in all our dealings with your dog, and our aim is a calm, enjoyable experience that will leave your dog relaxed and ready to settle.

A walk replacement can include activities like enrichment toys and puzzles, ACE Free Work, indoor/garden Rucksack Walks, simple scent work, Parkour, focus work, etc.

We aim to replace the core walk components during each visit. These are physical activity, companionship, mental stimulation, scenting and exploration.

Each visit will finish with a 5-minute wind-down of calming activity and (if your dog enjoys it) cuddle time.

Single dog:

  • 60 min – £18.50
  • 45 min – £15.50
  • 30 min – £12.50


Gentle Training Visits and Walks with Clients

These are one-to-one supportive client-led training sessions. Suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about how to help their anxious, fearful, low-confidence, reactive or pulling dog.

We practice kindness, empathy, and patience in all our dealings with your dog, and our aim is a calm, enjoyable experience that will leave your dog relaxed and ready to settle.

We will work with you and your dog until you feel confident in working with them alone unless you want to stop for other reasons.

You can take the training in any direction within our speciality. For more details of the things we can help with check out our Gentle Training page.

Gentle Client Training

  • 60 min  session with you and your dog – £30.00
  • 30 min session with you and your dog – £20.00
  • 3 x 60-min sessions – £80.00 (save £10.00)
  • 5 x 60-min sessions – £130.00 (save £20.00)

All training walks and visits at Gentle Steps are one-to-one. If you are looking for our standard walks and visits, check out our Walking Services page.


Pet-care icons created by Freepik – Flaticon – Husky-type Image by Pham Trung Kien from Pixabay